Narrador, Narración y narratario
lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014
Narrador, Narración y Narratario
"Narrador, Narración y Narratario" (Acción, Relato, Discurso, 3.2) — otro largo capítulo sobre teoría de la narración que aparece en varias revistas del SSRN. Debe de ser interdisciplinar, porque está en la red de ciencia cognitiva, la de literatura /humanidades, y la de filosofía. Animo, que sólo son 83 páginas.
Resumen: Este trabajo examina los conceptos de narrador, narración y narratario en la ficción narrativa, desde la perspectiva de la narratología estructuralista. "Acción, Relato, Discurso" es un tratado sistemático de narratología estructuralista, y la presente sección examina las estructuras narrativas asociadas al nivel de la narración ficticia y su recepción. La primera parte ("Narrador") trata del concepto de narrador en la ficción, la autonomía del nivel de la narración, la competencia modal del narrador, la cuestión de los niveles narrativos, la inserción de relatos y las rupturas de marco, el concepto de la persona narrativa, y se se comentan algunos tipos básicos de narrador: los narradores autodiegéticos, los narradores-testigo, los narradores escritores, y el narrador autorial. La segunda parte ("Narración") examina la cuestión de la motivación diegética de la narración, los movimientos narrativos, la narración de palabras, de acontecimientos y de pensamientos; el monólogo interior, la descripción y el comentario; asimismo se comenta la temporalidad del acto narrativo y la clausura narrativa. La última sección se dedica a la figura del narratario como interlocutor del narrador.
English Abstract: This paper examines the concepts of narrator, narration and narratee in fiction, from the perspective of structuralist narratology. "Action, Story, Discourse" is a systematic treatise in structuralist narratology, and the present section examines the narrative structures associated to the level of fictional narration and its reception. The first part ("Narrator") deals with the concept of the narrator in fiction, the autonomy of the level of narration, the narrator's modal competence, the issue of narrative levels, embedding, and frame breaking, the concept of narrative person, and some major types of narrators: autodiegetic narrators, witness-narrators, author-narrators, and authorial narrators. The second part ("Narration") discusses the notion of diegetic motivation of narration, narrative movements, narration of words, of events, of thoughts, interior monologue, description and commentary; also the time of the narrative act and narrative closure. The last section is devoted to the figure of the narratee, the narrator's addressee.
English Abstract: This paper examines the concepts of narrator, narration and narratee in fiction, from the perspective of structuralist narratology. "Action, Story, Discourse" is a systematic treatise in structuralist narratology, and the present section examines the narrative structures associated to the level of fictional narration and its reception. The first part ("Narrator") deals with the concept of the narrator in fiction, the autonomy of the level of narration, the narrator's modal competence, the issue of narrative levels, embedding, and frame breaking, the concept of narrative person, and some major types of narrators: autodiegetic narrators, witness-narrators, author-narrators, and authorial narrators. The second part ("Narration") discusses the notion of diegetic motivation of narration, narrative movements, narration of words, of events, of thoughts, interior monologue, description and commentary; also the time of the narrative act and narrative closure. The last section is devoted to the figure of the narratee, the narrator's addressee.
Note: Downloadable document is in Spanish.
Reference Info: Acción, Relato, Discurso: Estructura de la ficción narrativa (Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 1998)
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