Vanity Fea

Intersubjetividad corporeizada (Embodied Intersubjectivity)

miércoles, 17 de junio de 2015

Intersubjetividad corporeizada (Embodied Intersubjectivity)

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Comentamos algunas consecuencias del descubrimiento del sistema de las las neuronas espejo (siguiendo a Vittorio Gallese) para una teoría de la intersubjetividad en la experiencia estética y en la literatura. Enfatizamos los paralelismos fenomenológicos del concepto, así como sus conexiones con la tradición estética de la empatía, y más en concreto con la psicología materialista de I. A. Richards en sus Principios de Crítica Literaria, en especial en lo refereido al concepto de ’actitudes’ o experiencias coporales incipientes subyacentes a la interacción semiótica.
English abstract: 

Embodied Intersubjectivity

A commentary on some consequences of the discovery of the mirror neuron system (after Vittorio Gallese) for the theory of intersubjectivity in aesthetics and literary experience. The phenomenological parallels of the concept are emphasized, as well as the connections to the aesthetic tradition of empathy and especially to the materialist psychology of I. A. Richards in his Principles of Literary Criticism, especially as regards the notion of ’attitudes’ or incipient bodily experiences underlying semiotic interaction.



Note: Downloadable document is in Spanish.
Number of Pages in PDF File: 31
Keywords: Intersubjectivity, Mirror neurons, Empathy, Literary experience, Phenomenology, Neurology, Aesthetics, I.A. Richards, Psychology

eJournal Classifications:
Date posted: June 07, 2015
AARN Subject Matter eJournals
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AARN Subject Matter eJournals
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CSN Subject Matter eJournals
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LIT Subject Matter eJournals
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Embodied intersubjectivity

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