New Trends in Translation and Cultural Identity

New Trends in Translation and Cultural Identity. Ed. Micaela Muñoz Calvo, Carmen Buesa-Gómez and M. Ángeles Ruiz-Moneva. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008.
A publication originating in our department, issued in late 2008—although the authors and editors have been working at it at least since our 2005 Susanne Hübner Seminar at the University of Zaragoza.
Thematic sections of the volume: I. Cultural Identity, Ideology and Translation; II. Popular Culture, Literature and Translation; III. Translating the Media: Translating the Culture; IV. Scientific Discourse as Cultural Translation.
- Muñoz-Calvo, Micaela (U de Zaragoza). "Introduction: An Approach to New Trends in Translation and Cultural Identity." 1-7.
- Wolf, Michaela. (U of Graz). "Interference from the Third Space? The Construction of Cultural Identity Through Translation." 11-20.
- Alonso-Breto, Isabel (U of Barcelona). "Translating English into English as a case of Symbolic Translation: Language and Politics through the Body in Marlene Nourbese Philip’s She Tries Her Tongue, Her Silence Softly Breaks." 21-34.
- Hagedorn, Nancy L. (SUNY Fredonia). "’With the Air and Gesture of an Orator’: Council Oratory, Translation, and Cultural Mediation during Anglo-Iroquois Treaty Conferences, 1690-1774." 35-45.
- Penas Ibáñez, Beatriz. "The Identitarian Function of Language and the Narrative Fictional Text: Problematizing Identity Transferral in Translation per se." 47-65. (Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises).
- Daldeniz, Elif. (Okan U, Turkey). "Expectations for Translators and Translation in Present-Day EU." 67-77.
- Camps, Assumpta. (U of Barcelona). "Translation from Cultural Borders." (Sandra Cisneros, Liliana Valenzuela).
- Franco Aixelá, Javier. (U of Alicante). "Ideology and Translation: The Strange Case of a Translation Which Was Hotter than the Original: Casas Gancedo and Hammett in The Falcon of the King of Spain (1933)." 95-104.
- Loupaki, Elpida (Aristotle U, Thessaloniki). "Shifts of Involvement in Translation: The Case of European Parliament Proceedings." 105-16.
- Bandín, Elena (U of León, Spain). "Translating at the Service of the Francoist Ideology: Shakespearean Theatre for the Spanish National Theatre (1941-1952): A Study of Paratexts." 117-28.
- Gómez Castro, Cristina (U of Cantabria). "Translation and Censorship Policies in the Spain of the 1970s: Market vs. Ideology?" 129-37.
- Rioja Barrocal, Marta. (U de León). "Research Design in the Study of TRACE under Franco’s Dictatorship (1962-1969). Brief Comments on Some Results from the Analysis of Corpus 0." 139-50.
- Uribarri Zenekorta, Ibon. (U of the Basque Country). "Ideological Struggle in Translation: Immanuel Kant in Spain." 151-61.
- Seago, Karen. (London Metropolitan U). "Proto-Feminist Translation Strategies? A Case Study of 19th Century Translations of the Grimm Brothers’ ’Sleeping Beauty’." 165-84.
- Molina, Silvia (Polytechnic U of Madrid). "Missed Connections: Re-Writing Anglo-American Feminism into Spanish." 185-93.
- Karadag, Ayse Banu. (Turkey) "Religious Ideology and the Translations of Robinson Crusoe into [Ottoman and Modern] Turkish." 195-216.
- Herrando Rodrigo, Mª Isabel. (U of Zaragoza). "A Reflection on Adaptations of Gulliver’s Travels for Children and Teenagers in Spain During the Last Half of the 20th Century." 217-36.
- O’Connor, Maurice Frank. (U of Cádiz). "Ben Okri as Cultural Translator." 237-47.
- Muñoz-Basols, Javier. "Translating Sound-Based Humor in Carol Weston’s With Love from Spain, Melanie Martin: A Practical Case Study." 249-66.
- Valero Garcés, Carmen. (U of Alcalá)). "Forging African Identity through Literature and Getting to Know It Through Translation." 267-87.
- Ráez Padilla, Juan. (U de Jaén). "Seating at the Head of the Literary Table: Seamus Heaney’s Countercultural Redress in Beowulf: A New Translation." 289-98.
- Zarandona, Juan Miguel. (U of Valladolid). "Silver Shadow (2004): The Arthurian Poems of Antonio Enrique or the Different Reception of a Translation and a Self-Translation." 299-309.
- Izard, Natàlia. (U Pompeu Fabra). "Translating for Dubbing: A Third Degree Equation. An Analysis of Dubbings in Spain." 313-23.
- Montes Fernández, Antonia. (U de Alicante). "Advertising Texts—A Globalised Genre: A Case Study of Translation Norms." 325-40.
- Repullés Sánchez, Fernando. (U de Zaragoza). "Shrek: When Audiovisual Humour Becomes a Lingua Franca." 337-56.
- Rox Barasoain, María. (U de León). "How ’Marujita Díaz’ Became ’Julie Andrews’: Idiosyncrasies of Translating Cultural References in the Filmography of Pedro Almodóvar." 357-67.
- Saz Rubio, María Milagros del. (Polytechnic U of Valencia, Spain) and Barry Pennock-Speck (U of Valencia). "Male and Female Stereotypes in Spanish and British Commercials." 369-82.
- González Pastor, Elena (U of Zaragoza). "From ’Stem Cell’ to ’Célula madre’: What Metaphors Reveal about the Culture." 385-96.
- Martínez Lanzán, Gloria (U de Zaragoza). "The Language of Wine Tasting: Specialised Language?" 397-411.
- Williams, Ian A. (U of Cantabria). "Translation Strategies and Features of Discourse Style in Medical Research Articles: A Corpus-Based Study." 413-32.
- Florén Serrano, Celia, and Rosa Lorés Sanz (U of Zaragoza). "The Application of a Parallel Corpus (English-Spanish) to the Teaching of Translation (ENTRAD Project)." 433-43.
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