Vanity Fea

Narrative Theory Group

A photo on Flickr

Acabo de crear el Narrative Theory Group en BlogCatalog, esa red social de blogueros.  De momento con un miembro. No sé si tirará para adelante; de momento le paso la comunicación a la Narrative List, por si alguien más se apunta. Les informaré a la vez de la existencia de, la red social que agrupa universitarios por sus intereses, donde también hay un grupo de gente interesada en la narración.

Dear Narrative list members:
In case there are any bloggers in the list, you may be interested in a social networking site for bloggers, BlogCatalog:
This allows to create interest groups and start discussions around specific topics. I have just created the Narrative Theory group there, with the following description:

"Blogs with a main or major interest in narrative theory: narratology, narrative semiotics, analysis of narrative structures, theory of the novel and the short story, stylistics of narrative and narrative analysis of fiction or film, theory of history, biography and autobiography, oral and conversational narrative, personal histories, narrative concepts and fallacies, hindsight bias, retrospection, construction of histories and of processes, narrative interpretation and hermeneutics, narrative phenomena in general. A critical and theoretical orientation is welcome."

Registration is free of course. In order to become a member, you've got to register (for free) at, then enter your blog, search for the Narrative Theory group and become a member.

There is another social networking site which allows narrative-minded people to come together—this is —No need to be a blogger, here. The Narrative group in,  —has already got more than 90 members, so some people in the list may know about this. Otherwise you may find it interesting to have a look; in this site people are classified by universities, and also by research interests. (There is also a direct connection to Facebook). You register, again for free, at, search for your university and department, and you add yourself, specifying your research interests. You can upload papers, information, etc., and receive news of updates. I think these social networking sites may usefully complement the Narrative List and Narrative Project weblog.

All best wishes for 2009,

Jose Angel Garcia Landa
University of Zaragoza

Y ya puestos, también creo el grupo de Teoría de la Narración en la red social Mi Literaturas, y lo enlazo con el grupo americano. Por lanzar enlaces que no quede.

Otra cosa. En mi departamento están regalando los fondos atrasados de la revista de filología inglesa que allí se publica, Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies.  Si le interesa a alguien que le guarde algún número, que me lo diga.



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