Mensaje de la lista del Centre for Narrative Research:
We would like to inform you about the establishment of a narratological
Starting in October 2012 the new e-journal Diegesis. Interdisziplinäres
E-Journal für Erzählforschung / E-Journal for Narrative Research across the
Disciplines, which is funded by the German Research Funding Organisation
(DFG), is going to be released as an open access publication twice a year.
The first issue is going to be dealing with the topic "Narratology in the
21st Century. An Interdisciplinary Review," whereas the second issue is going
to be concerned with the subject "Narration and Medium".
For both issues we are still in need of reviews of recent publications in the
study field of narrative theory of the last three to four years. These
reviews can be interdisciplinary and do not have to come exclusively from
philological areas. We additionally attach a call for papers for the second
issue to this cover letter. An anonymised peer-review procedure assures the
quality of all articles appearing in DIEGESIS. The international peer
reviewers who congregate in an advisory panel represent a large spectrum of
more than twenty subjects.
Please feel free to forward this e-mail to authors who might be interested in
writing a review or an article. Proposals (with regard to reviews in terms of
simply naming the title of the publication; with regard to articles in terms
of a short abstract of not more than 800 characters and in both cases with
brief information on the academic curriculum vitae) can be sent to the
editorial team, that is to Dr. Matthias Aumüller (
and Dr. Filippo Smerilli (
The journal is published at the University of Wuppertal and in cooperation
with the local Centre of Narrative Research (CNR) (
) by the professors Matei Chihaia (Romance
studies), Matías Martínez (German studies), Michael Scheffel (general
literary studies) and Roy Sommer (English and American studies).
With kind regards from Wuppertal,
Matthias Aumüller and Filippo Smerilli

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