Vanity Fea

A Single Man: De te fabula

martes, 10 de enero de 2017

A Single Man: De te fabula


Lectura crítica de la novela de Christopher Isherwood A Single Man ('Un soltero' o 'Un solo hombre'), centrándonos en la representación de la homosexualidad y la soledad del protagonista, y en la posible distancia irónica entre su papel como 'centro de consciencia' y la perspectiva crítica ofrecida por el autor implícito sobre su tragedia personal. 


A Single Man: De te fabula

English abstract: A critical reading of Christopher Isherwood's novel A Single Man (1964), focusing on the representation of the protagonist's homosexuality and solitude, and on the possible ironic distance between his role as a 'center of consciousness' and the implied author's critical perspective on his personal tragedy.

A Single Man (Ibercampus)

_____. "A Single Man: De te fabula." Academia 22 July 2017.*
_____. "A Single Man: De te fabula." ResearchGate 23 July 2017.*

A Single Man

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