An evolutionary review in The Evolutionary Review

Monday, February 8, 2010
Contact: Michael Campochiaro, SUNY Press
Introducing an annual publication on the intersections of evolutionary science, the humanities, arts, and popular culture.
Albany, NY- SUNY Press is proud to announce the publication of the inaugural issue of The Evolutionary Review, a new journal offering a forum for evolutionary critiques in all the fields of the arts, human sciences, and culture. The journal includes essays and reviews on film, fiction, theater, visual art, music, dance, and popular culture; essays and reviews of books, articles, and theories related to evolution and evolutionary psychology; and essays and reviews on science, society, and the environment. Essays in The Evolutionary Review implicitly affirm E. O. Wilson's vision of "consilience," that is, the unity of knowledge. They also give evidence that an evolutionary perspective can yield a richer, more complete understanding of the world and ourselves.
Criteria for selecting essays include depth and seriousness in evolutionary thinking, imaginative force, and excellence of style. Potential contributors should establish a distinct, individual point of view, avoiding academese and neutral summary. The editors value incisiveness and clarity, energy, wit and humor, vivid language and striking imagery, tonal nuance, and a knack for engaging the interest of readers.
The inaugural issue offers articles and reviews on evolutionary and biocultural theory; commentaries on Facebook, American Idol, and comics; and essays and reviews on music, cinema, opera, and fiction.
Alice Andrews teaches psychology and evolutionary studies at the State University of New York at New Paltz. She is the author of the evolutionary psychological novel Trine Erotic and the founder of the online journal Entelechy: Mind & Culture.
Joseph Carroll is Curators' Professor of English at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. His books include Evolution and Literary Theory and He has produced an edition of Literary Darwinism: Evolution, Human Nature, and Literature.On the Origin of Species. He is coeditor (with Brian Boyd and Jonathan Gottschall) of the forthcoming Evolution, Literature, and Film: A Reader.
Journal Facts:
Art, Science, Culture
Alice Andrews and Joseph Carroll, editors
Pub. Date: 02/10
ISSN: 2151-576X
Subscribe online today!
PS: el día 19 me llega un ejemplar con mi reseña incluida. Es un pequeño paso para la humanidad, pero un gran paso para este hombre, publicar en Nueva York, con Boyd, Ayala, Carroll, et al. Pronto lo pondrán online.
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