Veo con agrado no exento, for modesty's sake, de cierta sorpresa, que me han incluido a título de "centro de investigación", único centro unipersonal de la lista, en la colección de enlaces a recursos e instituciones importantes sobre teoría narrativa de la Red Europea de Narratología, NarrNet. Y ojo que la lista no es larga, sino más bien muy selectiva; aquí sigue íntegra, le haría un pantallazo pero tanto da un cortapega de la página de enlaces:
Journals and Series
Amsterdam International Electronic Journal for Cultural Narratology (AJCN)
Ancient Narrative
Cahiers de Narratologie [publisher: Centre Interdisciplinaire Récits, Cultures, Psychanalyse, Langues et Sociétés (CIRCPLES)]
DIEGESIS [Interdisziplinäres E-Journal für Erzählforschung][Interdisciplinary E-Journal for Narrative Research]
Fabula [Journal of Folktale Studies]
Journal of Narrative Theory
Marvels and Tales [Journal of Fairy-Tale Studies]
Narrative [The Journal of the Society for the Study of Narrative Literature]
Narrative Inquiry [continuation of the 'Journal of Narrative and Life History' (1990-1997)]
Series "Narratologia" (de Gruyter)
Storyworlds [interdisciplinary journal of narrative theory]
Style [Northern Illinois University]
The Journal of Folklore Research
Vox Poetica
Ancient Narrative
Cahiers de Narratologie [publisher: Centre Interdisciplinaire Récits, Cultures, Psychanalyse, Langues et Sociétés (CIRCPLES)]
DIEGESIS [Interdisziplinäres E-Journal für Erzählforschung][Interdisciplinary E-Journal for Narrative Research]
Fabula [Journal of Folktale Studies]
Journal of Narrative Theory
Marvels and Tales [Journal of Fairy-Tale Studies]
Narrative [The Journal of the Society for the Study of Narrative Literature]
Narrative Inquiry [continuation of the 'Journal of Narrative and Life History' (1990-1997)]
Series "Narratologia" (de Gruyter)
Storyworlds [interdisciplinary journal of narrative theory]
Style [Northern Illinois University]
The Journal of Folklore Research
Vox Poetica
Research Centers
- Center for Narratologiske Studier, Kolding
- Centre de recherches sur les arts et le langage (EHESS-CNRS), Paris
- Centre Interdisciplinaire Récits, Cultures, Psychanalyse, Langues et Sociétés (CIRCPLES), Nice
- Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Narrative (CIRN), Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
- Narratio aliena, Bonn [Bonner Zentrum für Transkulturelle Narratologie; Interdisciplinary research group (University of Bonn) dedicated to narrative strategies and structures in non-European literatures]
- Nordic Network of Narrative Studies
- Project Narrative, Ohio
- The Centre for Narrative Research (University of East London)
- Universidad de Zaragoza, José Ángel García Landa: A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology
- Zentrum für Erzählforschung (ZEF), Wuppertal
Espero que tarden en quitarme. (Las editoras de nuestra revista nacional Atlantis me quitaron de su lista de bases de datos de referencia, y no me explican por qué). Hay enlaces que valen lo suyo; ademas de proporcionar egorías en bruto, encima me envían visitas.
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