Consiliencia, evolución y anclaje narrativo
martes, 9 de junio de 2015
Consiliencia, evolución y anclaje narrativo
La teoría de la evolución de Herbert Spencer no sólo es una teoría científica sobre los procesos naturales, sino también una teoría de la consiliencia, una Gran Historia estratégicamente ubicada como marco cognitivo de toda actividad intelectual, al proporcionar una interpretación unificada de los objetos de estudio de las ciencias y de las humanidades. Enfatizamos las dimensiones narratológicas que hacen de Primeros Principios una teoría unificada de los diversos niveles de complejidad emergente.
Consiliencia, evolución y anclaje narrativo:
Primeros Principios como cartografía narrativa de la realidad

English abstract: Consilience, Evolution, and Narrative Anchoring: 'First Principles' as a Narrative Mapping of Reality
Herbert Spencer's theory of evolution is not merely a scientific theory on natural processes, but also a theory of consilience, a Big History strategically situated as a cognitive frame encompassing all intellectual endeavors, inasmuch as it puts forward a unified interpretation of the objects of study of the sciences and of the humanities. This paper emphasizes the narratological dimensions which make of First Principles a unified theory of the various levels of emerging complexity.
English abstract:
Consilience, Evolution, and Narrative Anchoring: 'First Principles' as a Narrative Mapping of Reality
Herbert Spencer's theory of evolution is not merely a scientific theory on natural processes, but also a theory of consilience, a Big History strategically situated as a cognitive frame encompassing all intellectual endeavors, inasmuch as it puts forward a unified interpretation of the objects of study of the sciences and of the humanities. This paper emphasizes the narratological dimensions which make of First Principles a unified theory of the various levels of emerging complexity.
Note: Downloadable document is in Spanish.
Number of Pages in PDF File: 18
Reference Info: Ibercampus, May 26, 2015
eJournal Classifications Date posted: May 31, 2015 |
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